Great Basin Chiropractic Salt Lake City Wellness Center
“The Power that Made the Body Heals the Body.” – BJ Palmer
Welcome to the office of Dr. Mark B. Resetarits, Chiropractic Physician in Salt Lake City, located at 223 S. 700 E. Salt Lake City, Utah, 84102. Dr. Mark has been a Chiropractor in Salt Lake City since 1994.
Our Team at Great Basin Chiropractic is here to serve you and make your visit to our office a superior experience. We will help you achieve your health care goals, whether you are in pain and need corrective care, or if you are in search of a holistic approach to all your wellness and health care needs.
Within this site you will find information about the benefits of Chiropractic Care, Health Tips, Nutrition, Good Reads and much more.
We hope the content of this website is informative and we invite you to share this information with your family and friends. Please call us with your questions at 801-363-8899.
Yours In Health,
Dr. Mark
Salt Lake City Chiropractor
“The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest the patient in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of the disease.” – Thomas Edison